5 Truths & Myths About Teeth Whitening in London Ontario 2024

Did you have your teeth bleached?
Are you thinking of having it done soon?

Today, we would like to talk about five myths surrounding teeth whitening in London Ontario and the reality behind each of them.

Let's begin.

Truth Regarding How Often You Need To Bleach Your Teeth?

We get a lot of concerns about how long you should leave the bleach on your teeth. There are a few BIG misconceptions. Teeth whitening London Ontario could be an excellent solution. However, here's the information you must know before doing it:

Myth: "The longer I keep the bleach on my teeth, the whiter my teeth will become."

Best Time To Leave This Bleaching Solution On My Mouth?

The truth: Only leave teeth whitening in London Ontario bleach on for the prescribed duration. The amount of time will vary depending on the product and its strength. The product left on for too long can result in sensitive teeth.

Truth About Dental Decay Caused By Bleaching

With teeth whitening near me services you can significantly enhance the appearance of your smile with a secure, non-invasive method.


However, that doesn't mean there won't be adverse side effects, particularly when done regularly.

Here's another popular tooth-whitening legend:

Myth: "There's nothing wrong with daily bleaching."

Does Bleaching Your Teeth Regularly Result In Damage?

Reality: You'll very likely experience sensitization to cold and hot temperatures or even air. Bleaching can dehydrate your teeth, rendering them susceptible.

Tip For Teeth Whitening London Ontario

If you are required to bleach your teeth regularly, you will likely need to start using the correct product. If you're experiencing this, consult your dentist about professional teeth whitening services or alternative methods to whiten your teeth, like veneers.

Also, you can use sensitive toothpaste to reduce discomfort if you have sensitive teeth.

Truth Behind What Can Eat And Drink Following Teeth Whitening

Consuming and drinking alcohol after bleaching one's teeth can be a typical issue. Many believe that bleaching your teeth can result in your teeth becoming immune to the darkening and yellowing effects of many beverages and foods.

To conclude, Here's the myth of tooth whitening #3:

Myth: "I can eat or drink anything, and my tooth will stay clean after the bleaching."

What Can I Eat Or Drink Following Teeth Whitening?

TRUTH: Your teeth naturally darken as time passes and won't be immune to this after bleaching them. This is particularly true for up to 48 hours after bleaching because teeth are very porous.

To prolong the longevity of the bleaching results, you must avoid foods or beverages with distinct colors. This includes but not only:

  • Coffee

  • Tea

  • Red wine

  • Dark soda

  • Marinara sauces

Truth About Cigarettes In The Days After Teeth Whitening

Smoking causes the yellowing of teeth. That's an undisputed fact.

We do encounter people who believe it's not true. Here's our fourth myth

Myth: "Smoking doesn't alter bleaching."

Do You Smoke After You Have Whitened Your Teeth?

Truth: Smoking is a significant contributor to yellowing your teeth. If you smoke your cigarettes, your teeth will turn yellow. It's that simple, even if it is bleached. Avoid smoking to have an extended, healthier, and whiter smile.

The Truth About Filling Up Your Bleach Tray

Are you overfilling your bleaching tray or pressing down for an evener distribution?

Here's the information you must be aware of before doing it again:

Myth: "I'm afraid I'm not putting enough bleach into my trays, so I put in some extra. And then, I press downwards on my trays to spread all the el truly."

How Do I Deal With It If I Over Fill Up My Bleach Tray?

Truth: Overfilling and pushing down to spread out the gel can cause more damage than it does good. If the gel comes close to your gums, the gum tissue could be burned, which can cause severe discomfort.

The natural pressure in your mouth and the warm temperature inside it will cause the gel to spread evenly over its own.

Typically, one-third to one-half of an Opalescence Syringe should suffice for one bleaching application. Overloading the trays could be more productive (and money! ).

Is This Whitening Procedure Safe?

Teeth whitening in London Ontario is a non-invasive process that doesn't require surgery. However, there could be risks if directions and guidelines are not followed.

Products for whitening teeth available over the counter in Australia are not likely to contain more than 6 percent hydrogen peroxide (or 18% of carbamide peroxide) because higher levels can pose the possibility for chemical burns. The more robust products can only be utilized by a registered dentist.

Is Professional Teeth Whitening Worth It?

Don't let the truths and myths make you nervous. Many patients enjoy the benefits that they get from teeth whitening in London Ontario. That's the reason almost 9% of patients according to a study wanted to get their teeth bleached.


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